Lawyer Giuseppe Lombardo is the founder and owner of Lombardo Layer Office.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Messina, is an expert in civil law, and particularly in the disciplines of commercial, corporate, bankruptcy, debt and contracts, insurance, family and inheritance law, the Sport and the Consumer Code and Comunication and Information Technology.
In particular, in the field of ICT, he received a Master's degree in Law of telematic trial and of the Internet at the European School of Economics in Milan, as well as the Master in information technology law at the Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica of Reggio Calabria from which he then carried out teaching activities. It is also a member of the Computer Commission of the Council of the Layers of Reggio Calabria.
It is also an expert on civil procedure - with reference to which he has acquired expertise in particular with regard to special proceedings, enforcement proceedings, judicial protection of collective interests, collective actions, proceedings of the European Community order and civil trial - in the quality of teacher of Civil Procedural Law at the School of Specialization in legal professions - University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria, as well as by virtue of the many learning experiences gained through active collaboration with the Chair of Civil Procedural Law, Faculty of Law-University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria.
The specialization of Layer Lombardo concerns, in addition, the administrative law, specifically with regard to the themes of the metropolitan area, the code of the digital administration and of the employment sine titulo. It's been a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars on civil procedure and ICT. He is the author of the short essay entitled "La natura giuridica delle città e delle aree metropolitane, l'area dello Stretto", in F. Manti (edt.) "Reggio Calabria, at the crossroads of the Mediterranean" Città del Sole s.a.s., 2010; he was also editor of the news of the magazine "Diritto dell'Internet", Ipsoa and the following abstracts in:
Notiziario di informazione del Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, a cura di E. Q. Bassi – G. Clarizio (edts), n. 114/2007 e n. 166/2007: Genitori e figli: l'usufrutto legale, M. Dogliotti – F. Gallo (edts), Famiglia e Diritto, 3/2007, 309 et seq. .; nota a Cassazione Civile, sez. I, n. 13584, 12 giugno 2006, La Cassazione alla ricerca del discrimen tra amministrazione di sostegno e interdizione, U. Roma, in La nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata, 3/2007, I, 275 et seq.
He was awarded the Anassilaos Prize for the "young professionals" in the year 2009.
He also gained experience in management and administration of local authorities, as a town concillor (technical) with delegation on litigation and personnel at the Municipality of Bagnara Calabra in the Province of Reggio Calabria. |